Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Why is the Builder asking for this information?


The Builder has "Obligations and Duties” under the Work Health & Safety (WHS) Legislation to manage the safety of all workers on their work site. Part of this process is to collect and check the Safety documents of Subcontractors and Workers.

Failing to comply with the WHS Legislation may result in the Builder facing a severe fine (up to $3 Million) or 5 years in prison for negligence.



What Information is the Builder required to collect or provide?


The Builder (Principal Contractor) must:

  • Ensure that all Workers have a White Card.
  • Collect and keep copies of High Risk Work Licences.
  • Collect and review Safety Work Method Statements.
  • Communicate information about site Hazards to all Workers.
  • Provide Workers with a copy of the Site Safety Management Plan document.



Our company already has safety procedures, isn’t this a double–up?


Even if your company has excellent safety processes and procedures, the Builder has separate obligations under the WHS Legislation, and those duties cannot be delegated to subcontractors.
The laws are specifically written to include "overlap" of safety checks by each of the responsible parties including Builders, Contractors, & Subcontractors.



I already use SiteBook with another Builder.
Why do I have to re-enter my information?


Each Builder that subscribes to SiteBook has an “Account” that contains information about their Worksites and their Subcontractors.
This information is private to that Builder.

A number of Subcontractors have chosen to share their information with specific Builders in SiteBook, so they don’t have to re-enter information for each new Builder. To enquire about this service please email and ask about a “Shared Account”.
There may be a small fee to setup this facility for your Company depending on how much work is involved.



More Information


Here are some links to information for subcontractors:

What activities need a High Risk Work Licence

Safe Work Method Statements

Safety Checklist for Contractors

Safety Data Sheets

Which Trades need building work contractor’s licence? (and which are exempt?)

What Insurances should my Trades have?